Risk classification

MVEN10 Risk Assessment in Environment and Public Health


Ullrika Sahlin

Exercise overview

  • Work in pairs or alone.


A classification model is a model that assigns cases into two or more classes. Here we focus on the problem to classify breast cancers into malignant (cancerous) or benign (non cancerous).

There are two types of errors

  • a benign cancer is classified as positive - this is referred to as a false positive (TP)

  • a malignant cancer is classified as negative - this is referred to as a false negative (FN)

All four possible outcomes of applying a binary classification model can be presented in a confusion matrix

Confusion matrix
True situation Positive prediction Negative prediction
Cancerous True positive (TP) False negative (FN)
Non cancerous False positive (TP) True negative (TN)

Desirable properties of a classification model are that its performance has

  • High probability of correct classifications

  • Low probability of both type of errors

In simple terms a binary classifier consists of

  • an indicator (a quantity that can be a single predictor or derived from a combination of several predictors)

  • a cutoff for the indicator

A modeler sets the cutoff of the indicator to achieve a desired performance of the model using

  • a data set with known cases and values on the predictors

  • a rule to trade-off the two types of errors

The Receiver Operating Curve (ROC) methodology is one way to make such trade-off of a binary classifier.


The purpose of this exercise is to

  • become familiar with errors from a classification model

  • work with a classifier using the ROC methodology

  • gain experience in comparing alternative classification models

  • to gain more R skills

  • to practice making a report using Quarto


  • Load data

  • Build a simple classifier and calculate frequency of different types of errors

  • Evaluate the classifier using the ROC curve methodology

  • Build another classifier and compare the two models

  • Instructions how to write the report


45 minutes - partly as home work


Write a report using the template provided. Start preparing the report after you have worked through the exercise.

Add your name(s) to create a group under E4 in canvas and upload the report on the assignment in canvas.


The data set Binary Classification Prediction for type of Breast Cancer is downloaded from Kaggle

Instructions to excercise and reporting

Open an new Quarto document in R Studio cloud, save it in a folder named ex and paste in the code or modify the code following the steps in the exercise.

When you have gone through all steps, it is time to prepare a report.

Load and visualise data

Read in data

  1. Create a new folder named data in the directory of your project on R Studio cloud.

  2. Download the data file and save it in the the directory of your project on R Studio cloud.

  1. Load the data into a data frame that you name df

To do this you load two R packages. One to read in files and one to tidy your data.

To view the data fram type df (done in the code below).

df <- as_tibble(read_csv("../data/breast-cancer.csv"))
# A tibble: 569 × 32
         id diagnosis radius_mean texture_mean perimeter_mean area_mean
      <dbl> <chr>           <dbl>        <dbl>          <dbl>     <dbl>
 1   842302 M                18.0         10.4          123.      1001 
 2   842517 M                20.6         17.8          133.      1326 
 3 84300903 M                19.7         21.2          130       1203 
 4 84348301 M                11.4         20.4           77.6      386.
 5 84358402 M                20.3         14.3          135.      1297 
 6   843786 M                12.4         15.7           82.6      477.
 7   844359 M                18.2         20.0          120.      1040 
 8 84458202 M                13.7         20.8           90.2      578.
 9   844981 M                13           21.8           87.5      520.
10 84501001 M                12.5         24.0           84.0      476.
# ℹ 559 more rows
# ℹ 26 more variables: smoothness_mean <dbl>, compactness_mean <dbl>,
#   concavity_mean <dbl>, `concave points_mean` <dbl>, symmetry_mean <dbl>,
#   fractal_dimension_mean <dbl>, radius_se <dbl>, texture_se <dbl>,
#   perimeter_se <dbl>, area_se <dbl>, smoothness_se <dbl>,
#   compactness_se <dbl>, concavity_se <dbl>, `concave points_se` <dbl>,
#   symmetry_se <dbl>, fractal_dimension_se <dbl>, radius_worst <dbl>, …
  1. Narrow down the data set to include two predictors for the classifier: mean radius and mean compactness of the cancer.

The R-package dplyr has useful functions for wrangling data. The %>% is called a pipe that makes it possible to add functions to functions.

df %>% select(c(diagnosis, radius_mean, compactness_mean))
# A tibble: 569 × 3
   diagnosis radius_mean compactness_mean
   <chr>           <dbl>            <dbl>
 1 M                18.0           0.278 
 2 M                20.6           0.0786
 3 M                19.7           0.160 
 4 M                11.4           0.284 
 5 M                20.3           0.133 
 6 M                12.4           0.17  
 7 M                18.2           0.109 
 8 M                13.7           0.164 
 9 M                13             0.193 
10 M                12.5           0.240 
# ℹ 559 more rows

Visualise predictors

It is always good to look at data to get a feel for it. Is it continuous, categorical or discrete numbers? What is the range of values.

Since we will use the predictors to classify, it can be useful to summarise the values of the predictors after dividing the data according to the diagnosis. If it is a good predictor, we expect the data to look different between the groups.

  1. Visualise the predictors per diagnose group.

Below we use density graphs, which can be thought of as a smooth histogram.

df %>% select(c(diagnosis, radius_mean, compactness_mean)) %>% 
ggplot(aes(x=radius_mean, fill=diagnosis)) +

df %>% select(c(diagnosis, radius_mean, compactness_mean)) %>% 
ggplot(aes(x=compactness_mean, fill=diagnosis)) +

Information to put in the report

Which of the two predictors do you think is the better indicator to classify cancers into malignant or benign? Motivate your choice based on the two visualisations plots.

Include the plots in the report.

In this exercise you will build two models, one per predictor and then compare them.

Model with mean radius as predictor

  1. Select a cutoff of 15 for the predictor radius_mean and classify data into positive if the predictor is above the cutoff and negative if the predictor is below the cutoff. Save the predictions as pred_rad.

In the code this is done by the functions mutate and case_when.

df %>% select(c(diagnosis, radius_mean, compactness_mean)) %>%
  mutate(pred_rad=case_when(radius_mean>15 ~ "pos", .default = 'neg'))
# A tibble: 569 × 4
   diagnosis radius_mean compactness_mean pred_rad
   <chr>           <dbl>            <dbl> <chr>   
 1 M                18.0           0.278  pos     
 2 M                20.6           0.0786 pos     
 3 M                19.7           0.160  pos     
 4 M                11.4           0.284  neg     
 5 M                20.3           0.133  pos     
 6 M                12.4           0.17   neg     
 7 M                18.2           0.109  pos     
 8 M                13.7           0.164  neg     
 9 M                13             0.193  neg     
10 M                12.5           0.240  neg     
# ℹ 559 more rows
  1. Derive the frequency of the confusion matrix for the classification model with the mean radius as predictor.

The code below selects the two variables and counts the frequency of each combination of the two variables using the function table.


To read the help text for a function type a ? followed by the name of the function in the Console. Or put your cursor on top of the function and press F1.

table(df %>% select(c(diagnosis, radius_mean, compactness_mean)) %>%
  mutate(pred_rad=case_when(radius_mean>15 ~ "pos", .default = 'neg')) %>% 
diagnosis neg pos
        B 345  12
        M  51 161

Note that the output from table is here in the reversed order compared to the standard format of a confusion matrix. The reason is that the categories are ordered in alphabetic order.

Information to add in the report

For the binary classification model using mean radius as predictor:

  • What is the frequency of False positives (FP)?

  • What is the frequency of False negatives (FN)?

  • Which of these two errors do you think is worse? Motivate your answer.

Sensitivity and specificty to measure performance of a binary classifier

Sensitivity is the fraction of true positives, i.e. \(\frac{TP}{TP + FN}\) and describes the proportion of malignant cancers correctly predicted as positive.

Specificity is the fraction of true negatives, i.e. \(\frac{TN}{FP + TN}\) and describes the proportion of benign cancers correctly predicted as negative.

Information to add in the report

For the binary classification model using mean radius as predictor:

  • What is the frequency of True Positives (TP)?

  • What is the frequency of True Negatives (TN)?

  • What is the sensitivity and specificity?

Sensitivity and specificity measures performance of the classification model. Sensitivity and specificity should be as high as possible, but increasing one will decrease the other.

The model can be tuned towards better performance by changing the cutoff value. See for example what happens when the cutoff is changed to 11.

table(df %>% select(c(diagnosis, radius_mean, compactness_mean)) %>%
  mutate(pred_rad=case_when(radius_mean>11 ~ "pos", .default = 'neg')) %>% 
diagnosis neg pos
        B  84 273
        M   1 211

All but one malignant cancer is classified as positive, which is good, but it comes with a cost of classifying 272 benign cancers as positive.

In other words, when changing the cutoff from 15 to 11 the

  • sensitivity is \(\frac{211}{211+1}=0.95\) and

  • specificity is \(\frac{84}{273+84}=0.24\)

The ROC curve methodology

A ROC curve is a plot of sensitivity versus 1-specificity for all values of the cutoff. It can illustrate how well the model performs and help choosing the cutoff.

  1. Load one of the many R-packages for ROC curve analysis.

Before loading the library you might have to install it using install.packages(“pROC”). This only needs to be done ones.

The ROC curve analysis is run using the functions roc and coords

Warning: package 'pROC' was built under R version 4.3.1
Type 'citation("pROC")' for a citation.

Attaching package: 'pROC'
The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':

    cov, smooth, var
r = roc(diagnosis ~ radius_mean, data=df)
Setting levels: control = B, case = M
Setting direction: controls < cases
    threshold specificity sensitivity
1        -Inf 0.000000000 1.000000000
2      7.3360 0.002801120 1.000000000
3      7.7100 0.005602241 1.000000000
4      7.7445 0.008403361 1.000000000
5      7.9780 0.011204482 1.000000000
6      8.2075 0.014005602 1.000000000
7      8.3950 0.016806723 1.000000000
8      8.5840 0.019607843 1.000000000
9      8.5975 0.022408964 1.000000000
10     8.6080 0.025210084 1.000000000
11     8.6445 0.028011204 1.000000000
12     8.6985 0.030812325 1.000000000
13     8.7300 0.033613445 1.000000000
14     8.8060 0.036414566 1.000000000
15     8.8830 0.039215686 1.000000000
16     8.9190 0.042016807 1.000000000
17     8.9750 0.044817927 1.000000000
18     9.0145 0.047619048 1.000000000
19     9.0355 0.050420168 1.000000000
20     9.1075 0.053221289 1.000000000
21     9.2205 0.056022409 1.000000000
22     9.2815 0.058823529 1.000000000
23     9.3140 0.061624650 1.000000000
24     9.3650 0.064425770 1.000000000
25     9.4010 0.067226891 1.000000000
26     9.4140 0.070028011 1.000000000
27     9.4295 0.072829132 1.000000000
28     9.4505 0.075630252 1.000000000
29     9.4845 0.078431373 1.000000000
30     9.5355 0.081232493 1.000000000
31     9.5865 0.084033613 1.000000000
32     9.6365 0.086834734 1.000000000
33     9.6675 0.089635854 1.000000000
34     9.6720 0.092436975 1.000000000
35     9.6795 0.095238095 1.000000000
36     9.7015 0.098039216 1.000000000
37     9.7255 0.100840336 1.000000000
38     9.7345 0.103641457 1.000000000
39     9.7400 0.106442577 1.000000000
40     9.7485 0.112044818 1.000000000
41     9.7660 0.114845938 1.000000000
42     9.7820 0.117647059 1.000000000
43     9.8170 0.120448179 1.000000000
44     9.8615 0.123249300 1.000000000
45     9.8900 0.128851541 1.000000000
46     9.9670 0.131652661 1.000000000
47    10.0400 0.134453782 1.000000000
48    10.0650 0.137254902 1.000000000
49    10.1200 0.140056022 1.000000000
50    10.1650 0.142857143 1.000000000
51    10.1750 0.145658263 1.000000000
52    10.1900 0.148459384 1.000000000
53    10.2250 0.151260504 1.000000000
54    10.2550 0.154061625 1.000000000
55    10.2750 0.162464986 1.000000000
56    10.3050 0.165266106 1.000000000
57    10.3800 0.168067227 1.000000000
58    10.4600 0.170868347 1.000000000
59    10.4850 0.176470588 1.000000000
60    10.5000 0.182072829 1.000000000
61    10.5400 0.187675070 1.000000000
62    10.5850 0.193277311 1.000000000
63    10.6250 0.196078431 1.000000000
64    10.6550 0.198879552 1.000000000
65    10.6850 0.201680672 1.000000000
66    10.7300 0.204481793 1.000000000
67    10.7750 0.207282913 1.000000000
68    10.8100 0.212885154 1.000000000
69    10.8400 0.215686275 1.000000000
70    10.8700 0.218487395 1.000000000
71    10.8900 0.221288515 1.000000000
72    10.9050 0.224089636 1.000000000
73    10.9250 0.226890756 1.000000000
74    10.9450 0.229691877 1.000000000
75    10.9550 0.229691877 0.995283019
76    10.9650 0.232492997 0.995283019
77    11.0050 0.235294118 0.995283019
78    11.0500 0.240896359 0.995283019
79    11.0700 0.249299720 0.995283019
80    11.1050 0.252100840 0.990566038
81    11.1350 0.257703081 0.990566038
82    11.1450 0.260504202 0.990566038
83    11.1550 0.263305322 0.990566038
84    11.1800 0.266106443 0.990566038
85    11.2100 0.268907563 0.990566038
86    11.2350 0.274509804 0.990566038
87    11.2550 0.277310924 0.990566038
88    11.2650 0.282913165 0.990566038
89    11.2750 0.288515406 0.990566038
90    11.2850 0.291316527 0.990566038
91    11.2950 0.294117647 0.990566038
92    11.3050 0.296918768 0.990566038
93    11.3150 0.299719888 0.990566038
94    11.3250 0.302521008 0.990566038
95    11.3350 0.305322129 0.990566038
96    11.3500 0.310924370 0.990566038
97    11.3650 0.313725490 0.990566038
98    11.3900 0.316526611 0.990566038
99    11.4150 0.322128852 0.990566038
100   11.4250 0.322128852 0.985849057
101   11.4400 0.327731092 0.985849057
102   11.4550 0.330532213 0.985849057
103   11.4650 0.333333333 0.985849057
104   11.4800 0.336134454 0.985849057
105   11.4950 0.338935574 0.985849057
106   11.5050 0.341736695 0.985849057
107   11.5150 0.344537815 0.985849057
108   11.5300 0.350140056 0.985849057
109   11.5550 0.355742297 0.985849057
110   11.5850 0.358543417 0.985849057
111   11.6050 0.366946779 0.985849057
112   11.6150 0.369747899 0.985849057
113   11.6250 0.372549020 0.985849057
114   11.6350 0.375350140 0.985849057
115   11.6500 0.378151261 0.985849057
116   11.6650 0.380952381 0.985849057
117   11.6750 0.383753501 0.985849057
118   11.6850 0.386554622 0.985849057
119   11.6950 0.389355742 0.985849057
120   11.7050 0.392156863 0.985849057
121   11.7250 0.400560224 0.985849057
122   11.7450 0.406162465 0.985849057
123   11.7550 0.411764706 0.985849057
124   11.7800 0.414565826 0.981132075
125   11.8050 0.417366947 0.976415094
126   11.8250 0.420168067 0.976415094
127   11.8450 0.422969188 0.971698113
128   11.8600 0.425770308 0.971698113
129   11.8800 0.428571429 0.971698113
130   11.8950 0.436974790 0.971698113
131   11.9150 0.439775910 0.971698113
132   11.9350 0.445378151 0.971698113
133   11.9450 0.450980392 0.971698113
134   11.9700 0.453781513 0.971698113
135   11.9950 0.456582633 0.971698113
136   12.0150 0.462184874 0.971698113
137   12.0350 0.464985994 0.971698113
138   12.0450 0.467787115 0.971698113
139   12.0550 0.473389356 0.971698113
140   12.0650 0.478991597 0.971698113
141   12.0850 0.481792717 0.971698113
142   12.1300 0.484593838 0.971698113
143   12.1700 0.487394958 0.971698113
144   12.1850 0.495798319 0.971698113
145   12.1950 0.498599440 0.971698113
146   12.2050 0.501400560 0.971698113
147   12.2150 0.507002801 0.971698113
148   12.2250 0.509803922 0.971698113
149   12.2400 0.512605042 0.971698113
150   12.2600 0.518207283 0.971698113
151   12.2850 0.523809524 0.971698113
152   12.3050 0.529411765 0.971698113
153   12.3150 0.532212885 0.971698113
154   12.3300 0.535014006 0.971698113
155   12.3500 0.543417367 0.966981132
156   12.3750 0.549019608 0.966981132
157   12.3950 0.551820728 0.966981132
158   12.4100 0.554621849 0.966981132
159   12.4250 0.557422969 0.966981132
160   12.4400 0.560224090 0.966981132
161   12.4550 0.563025210 0.962264151
162   12.4650 0.568627451 0.957547170
163   12.4800 0.574229692 0.957547170
164   12.5150 0.577030812 0.957547170
165   12.5500 0.582633053 0.957547170
166   12.5700 0.585434174 0.957547170
167   12.6000 0.588235294 0.957547170
168   12.6250 0.593837535 0.957547170
169   12.6400 0.596638655 0.957547170
170   12.6600 0.599439776 0.957547170
171   12.6750 0.602240896 0.957547170
172   12.6900 0.602240896 0.952830189
173   12.7100 0.605042017 0.952830189
174   12.7350 0.610644258 0.952830189
175   12.7550 0.613445378 0.952830189
176   12.7650 0.619047619 0.952830189
177   12.7750 0.624649860 0.948113208
178   12.7900 0.627450980 0.948113208
179   12.8050 0.630252101 0.948113208
180   12.8200 0.633053221 0.948113208
181   12.8400 0.635854342 0.943396226
182   12.8550 0.638655462 0.943396226
183   12.8650 0.644257703 0.943396226
184   12.8750 0.649859944 0.943396226
185   12.8850 0.655462185 0.943396226
186   12.8950 0.663865546 0.943396226
187   12.9050 0.666666667 0.943396226
188   12.9250 0.669467787 0.943396226
189   12.9450 0.672268908 0.943396226
190   12.9550 0.675070028 0.943396226
191   12.9700 0.677871148 0.943396226
192   12.9850 0.680672269 0.943396226
193   12.9950 0.683473389 0.943396226
194   13.0050 0.689075630 0.938679245
195   13.0200 0.691876751 0.938679245
196   13.0400 0.694677871 0.938679245
197   13.0650 0.703081232 0.938679245
198   13.0950 0.705882353 0.938679245
199   13.1250 0.708683473 0.933962264
200   13.1450 0.711484594 0.933962264
201   13.1550 0.714285714 0.933962264
202   13.1650 0.717086835 0.933962264
203   13.1850 0.719887955 0.924528302
204   13.2050 0.725490196 0.924528302
205   13.2250 0.731092437 0.924528302
206   13.2550 0.733893557 0.924528302
207   13.2750 0.739495798 0.924528302
208   13.2900 0.742296919 0.919811321
209   13.3200 0.745098039 0.919811321
210   13.3550 0.747899160 0.919811321
211   13.3750 0.750700280 0.919811321
212   13.3900 0.753501401 0.919811321
213   13.4150 0.756302521 0.915094340
214   13.4350 0.756302521 0.910377358
215   13.4450 0.756302521 0.905660377
216   13.4550 0.759103641 0.905660377
217   13.4650 0.764705882 0.905660377
218   13.4750 0.767507003 0.905660377
219   13.4850 0.767507003 0.900943396
220   13.4950 0.770308123 0.900943396
221   13.5050 0.773109244 0.900943396
222   13.5200 0.775910364 0.900943396
223   13.5350 0.778711485 0.900943396
224   13.5500 0.781512605 0.900943396
225   13.5750 0.784313725 0.900943396
226   13.6000 0.789915966 0.900943396
227   13.6150 0.789915966 0.891509434
228   13.6300 0.792717087 0.891509434
229   13.6450 0.798319328 0.891509434
230   13.6550 0.801120448 0.891509434
231   13.6700 0.806722689 0.891509434
232   13.6850 0.809523810 0.891509434
233   13.6950 0.812324930 0.891509434
234   13.7050 0.815126050 0.891509434
235   13.7200 0.817927171 0.886792453
236   13.7350 0.817927171 0.882075472
237   13.7450 0.820728291 0.882075472
238   13.7600 0.823529412 0.882075472
239   13.7750 0.826330532 0.877358491
240   13.7900 0.829131653 0.877358491
241   13.8050 0.829131653 0.872641509
242   13.8150 0.829131653 0.867924528
243   13.8350 0.829131653 0.863207547
244   13.8550 0.837535014 0.863207547
245   13.8650 0.837535014 0.858490566
246   13.8750 0.843137255 0.858490566
247   13.8900 0.845938375 0.858490566
248   13.9200 0.851540616 0.858490566
249   13.9500 0.854341737 0.858490566
250   13.9700 0.854341737 0.853773585
251   14.0000 0.854341737 0.849056604
252   14.0250 0.857142857 0.849056604
253   14.0350 0.859943978 0.849056604
254   14.0450 0.862745098 0.849056604
255   14.0550 0.865546218 0.849056604
256   14.0850 0.868347339 0.849056604
257   14.1500 0.871148459 0.849056604
258   14.1950 0.871148459 0.844339623
259   14.2100 0.873949580 0.844339623
260   14.2350 0.876750700 0.839622642
261   14.2550 0.876750700 0.830188679
262   14.2650 0.882352941 0.830188679
263   14.2800 0.882352941 0.825471698
264   14.3150 0.885154062 0.825471698
265   14.3700 0.887955182 0.825471698
266   14.4050 0.890756303 0.825471698
267   14.4150 0.893557423 0.825471698
268   14.4300 0.896358543 0.820754717
269   14.4450 0.899159664 0.820754717
270   14.4600 0.899159664 0.816037736
271   14.4750 0.901960784 0.816037736
272   14.4900 0.901960784 0.811320755
273   14.5150 0.904761905 0.811320755
274   14.5350 0.910364146 0.811320755
275   14.5600 0.910364146 0.806603774
276   14.5850 0.913165266 0.801886792
277   14.5950 0.915966387 0.801886792
278   14.6050 0.915966387 0.797169811
279   14.6150 0.918767507 0.797169811
280   14.6300 0.921568627 0.797169811
281   14.6600 0.927170868 0.797169811
282   14.6850 0.927170868 0.792452830
283   14.7000 0.929971989 0.792452830
284   14.7250 0.929971989 0.787735849
285   14.7500 0.932773109 0.787735849
286   14.7700 0.935574230 0.787735849
287   14.7900 0.935574230 0.783018868
288   14.8050 0.938375350 0.783018868
289   14.8350 0.941176471 0.783018868
290   14.8650 0.943977591 0.778301887
291   14.8850 0.946778711 0.773584906
292   14.9100 0.946778711 0.768867925
293   14.9350 0.949579832 0.768867925
294   14.9550 0.952380952 0.764150943
295   14.9650 0.955182073 0.764150943
296   14.9800 0.960784314 0.764150943
297   14.9950 0.963585434 0.759433962
298   15.0200 0.966386555 0.759433962
299   15.0450 0.969187675 0.759433962
300   15.0550 0.969187675 0.754716981
301   15.0700 0.969187675 0.750000000
302   15.0900 0.969187675 0.745283019
303   15.1100 0.971988796 0.740566038
304   15.1250 0.971988796 0.735849057
305   15.1600 0.971988796 0.731132075
306   15.2050 0.974789916 0.731132075
307   15.2450 0.974789916 0.726415094
308   15.2750 0.977591036 0.726415094
309   15.2900 0.977591036 0.721698113
310   15.3100 0.977591036 0.716981132
311   15.3300 0.977591036 0.712264151
312   15.3550 0.977591036 0.707547170
313   15.4150 0.977591036 0.702830189
314   15.4750 0.977591036 0.688679245
315   15.4950 0.977591036 0.683962264
316   15.5150 0.977591036 0.679245283
317   15.5700 0.977591036 0.674528302
318   15.6350 0.977591036 0.669811321
319   15.6800 0.977591036 0.665094340
320   15.7050 0.977591036 0.660377358
321   15.7200 0.980392157 0.660377358
322   15.7400 0.983193277 0.660377358
323   15.7650 0.983193277 0.650943396
324   15.8150 0.983193277 0.641509434
325   15.9350 0.983193277 0.636792453
326   16.0250 0.983193277 0.632075472
327   16.0500 0.983193277 0.627358491
328   16.0900 0.983193277 0.622641509
329   16.1200 0.983193277 0.617924528
330   16.1350 0.983193277 0.608490566
331   16.1500 0.985994398 0.608490566
332   16.1650 0.985994398 0.603773585
333   16.2050 0.988795518 0.603773585
334   16.2450 0.988795518 0.599056604
335   16.2550 0.988795518 0.594339623
336   16.2650 0.988795518 0.589622642
337   16.2850 0.988795518 0.584905660
338   16.3250 0.991596639 0.584905660
339   16.4050 0.991596639 0.580188679
340   16.4800 0.991596639 0.575471698
341   16.5500 0.994397759 0.575471698
342   16.6250 0.994397759 0.570754717
343   16.6700 0.994397759 0.566037736
344   16.7150 0.994397759 0.561320755
345   16.7600 0.994397759 0.556603774
346   16.8100 0.994397759 0.551886792
347   16.9250 0.997198880 0.551886792
348   17.0150 0.997198880 0.547169811
349   17.0350 0.997198880 0.542452830
350   17.0550 0.997198880 0.537735849
351   17.0700 0.997198880 0.533018868
352   17.1100 0.997198880 0.528301887
353   17.1650 0.997198880 0.523584906
354   17.1950 0.997198880 0.518867925
355   17.2350 0.997198880 0.514150943
356   17.2800 0.997198880 0.509433962
357   17.2950 0.997198880 0.504716981
358   17.3250 0.997198880 0.500000000
359   17.3850 0.997198880 0.495283019
360   17.4400 0.997198880 0.490566038
361   17.4650 0.997198880 0.485849057
362   17.5050 0.997198880 0.481132075
363   17.5550 0.997198880 0.476415094
364   17.5850 0.997198880 0.471698113
365   17.6400 0.997198880 0.466981132
366   17.7150 0.997198880 0.462264151
367   17.8000 0.997198880 0.457547170
368   17.8800 1.000000000 0.457547170
369   17.9200 1.000000000 0.452830189
370   17.9400 1.000000000 0.448113208
371   17.9700 1.000000000 0.443396226
372   18.0000 1.000000000 0.433962264
373   18.0200 1.000000000 0.429245283
374   18.0400 1.000000000 0.424528302
375   18.0650 1.000000000 0.419811321
376   18.1500 1.000000000 0.415094340
377   18.2350 1.000000000 0.405660377
378   18.2800 1.000000000 0.400943396
379   18.3800 1.000000000 0.391509434
380   18.4550 1.000000000 0.386792453
381   18.4750 1.000000000 0.382075472
382   18.5500 1.000000000 0.377358491
383   18.6200 1.000000000 0.372641509
384   18.6400 1.000000000 0.367924528
385   18.6550 1.000000000 0.363207547
386   18.7150 1.000000000 0.358490566
387   18.7900 1.000000000 0.353773585
388   18.8150 1.000000000 0.349056604
389   18.8800 1.000000000 0.344339623
390   18.9700 1.000000000 0.339622642
391   19.0100 1.000000000 0.334905660
392   19.0450 1.000000000 0.330188679
393   19.0850 1.000000000 0.325471698
394   19.1300 1.000000000 0.320754717
395   19.1650 1.000000000 0.316037736
396   19.1750 1.000000000 0.311320755
397   19.1850 1.000000000 0.306603774
398   19.2000 1.000000000 0.301886792
399   19.2400 1.000000000 0.297169811
400   19.3350 1.000000000 0.292452830
401   19.4200 1.000000000 0.283018868
402   19.4450 1.000000000 0.278301887
403   19.4900 1.000000000 0.273584906
404   19.5400 1.000000000 0.264150943
405   19.5700 1.000000000 0.254716981
406   19.6350 1.000000000 0.245283019
407   19.6850 1.000000000 0.240566038
408   19.7100 1.000000000 0.235849057
409   19.7600 1.000000000 0.231132075
410   19.7950 1.000000000 0.226415094
411   19.8050 1.000000000 0.221698113
412   19.8500 1.000000000 0.216981132
413   19.9900 1.000000000 0.212264151
414   20.1100 1.000000000 0.207547170
415   20.1450 1.000000000 0.202830189
416   20.1700 1.000000000 0.198113208
417   20.1900 1.000000000 0.188679245
418   20.2300 1.000000000 0.183962264
419   20.2750 1.000000000 0.179245283
420   20.3000 1.000000000 0.174528302
421   20.3250 1.000000000 0.169811321
422   20.3900 1.000000000 0.165094340
423   20.4550 1.000000000 0.160377358
424   20.4750 1.000000000 0.155660377
425   20.4950 1.000000000 0.150943396
426   20.5300 1.000000000 0.146226415
427   20.5600 1.000000000 0.141509434
428   20.5750 1.000000000 0.136792453
429   20.5850 1.000000000 0.132075472
430   20.5950 1.000000000 0.127358491
431   20.6200 1.000000000 0.122641509
432   20.6850 1.000000000 0.117924528
433   20.8250 1.000000000 0.113207547
434   20.9300 1.000000000 0.108490566
435   21.0150 1.000000000 0.103773585
436   21.0950 1.000000000 0.099056604
437   21.1300 1.000000000 0.094339623
438   21.2650 1.000000000 0.089622642
439   21.4650 1.000000000 0.084905660
440   21.5850 1.000000000 0.080188679
441   21.6600 1.000000000 0.075471698
442   21.7300 1.000000000 0.070754717
443   21.8800 1.000000000 0.066037736
444   22.1400 1.000000000 0.061320755
445   22.6800 1.000000000 0.056603774
446   23.1500 1.000000000 0.051886792
447   23.2400 1.000000000 0.047169811
448   23.2800 1.000000000 0.042452830
449   23.4000 1.000000000 0.037735849
450   23.8800 1.000000000 0.033018868
451   24.4400 1.000000000 0.028301887
452   24.9250 1.000000000 0.023584906
453   25.4750 1.000000000 0.018867925
454   26.4750 1.000000000 0.014150943
455   27.3200 1.000000000 0.009433962
456   27.7650 1.000000000 0.004716981
457       Inf 1.000000000 0.000000000
  1. Plot the ROC curve

The code plots sensitivity against specificity (on reversed axis) for all possible values on the cutoff.

r %>% ggroc +
  ggtitle("ROC curve predictor radius_mean") 

  1. Find a cutoff value that offers a good balance between sensitivity and specificity.
ssc = coords(r, "best", best.method = "closest.topleft")
  threshold specificity sensitivity
1     14.15   0.8711485   0.8490566
  1. Redo the plot of the ROC curve where you also add the optimal cutoff as a red point.
r %>% ggroc +
  ggtitle("ROC curve predictor radius_mean") +
  geom_point(data=ssc,aes(x=specificity,y =sensitivity),col='red')+
  annotate("text", x = ssc$specificity-0.2, y = ssc$sensitivity, label = paste0("cutoff = ", ssc$threshold))

  1. Redo the plot and also add information about the area under the curve (AUC).

The AUC measure is useful for model comparisons, where a higher value implies a better model. A value of AUC close to 0.5 corresponds to a random guess.

r %>% ggroc +
  annotate("text", x = 0.3, y = 0.05, label = paste0("AUC = ", round(auc(r), 2))) +
  ggtitle("ROC curve predictor radius_mean") +
  geom_point(data=ssc,aes(x=specificity,y =sensitivity),col='red')+
  annotate("text", x = ssc$specificity-0.2, y = ssc$sensitivity, label = paste0("cutoff = ", ssc$threshold))

Compare classification models using the ROC curves

  1. Do the ROC curve analysis for the binary classification model using mean compactness as predictor.
r2 = roc(diagnosis ~ compactness_mean, data=df)
Setting levels: control = B, case = M
Setting direction: controls < cases
coords(r2,"best", best.method = "closest.topleft")
  threshold specificity sensitivity
1   0.10215   0.7815126   0.8254717
  1. Which of the two models has the best performance evaluated by specificity and sensitivity?

  2. Compare the ROC curves of the models and the area under the curves.

list(radius=r,compactness=r2) %>% ggroc +
  annotate("text", x = 0.3, y = 0.105, label = paste0("AUC radius = ", round(auc(r), 2))) +
  annotate("text", x = 0.3, y = 0.05, label = paste0("AUC compactness = ", round(auc(r2), 2))) +
  ggtitle("ROC curves")

Information to add in the report

Add the graph with the two ROC curves to the project.

Which of the two binary classification models have the best performance according to the AUC measure?

Suggest three things that could be done to build a better classification model?

Instructions for reporting

Download the template for the report, upload it to the folder named ex in your project in R Studio cloud and open it.

All code in for the report is in the template. You are to

  • add text, such as the answers to questions

Render the report as a html-file and upload it on the assignment for your E4 group on canvas.