

Ullrika Sahlin


October 31, 2023

This is a website for the exercises on the course Risk Assessment in Environment and Public Health MVEN10 Fall 2023.

August 30

Ex 1. Expressions of uncertainty - How probable is probable?

Ex 2. Chance, belief and frequency

Ex 3. Introduction to Quarto and R

Sept 4

Ex 4. Risk classification

Ex 5. Expert judgement

Test of Wisdom of Crowds

Ex 6. Introduction to useful functions in Microsoft Excel

Sept 6

Useful functions reproduced using R

Ex 7. Observe and summarise

Make sure you finalise all exercises we have had up to this point.

Sept 11

Ex 8. Observe, fit and simulate

Ex 9. Environmental exposure assessment

Sept 13

Ex 10. Exposure assessment from databases

Ex 11. Hazard assessment using Benchmark Dose Modelling

Ex 12. Interval arithmetic and Monte Carlo simulation on the daily intake equation

Sept 18

Ex 13. Daily intake equation - Solutions for the Monte Carlo simulation

Ex 14. Population Viability Analysis - Baltic Cod

Sept 19

Ex 15. Hazard assessment using Species Sensitivity Distributions

Ex 16. Species Distribution Modelling - climate matching

Ex 17. Assessment of overall uncertainty - video

Oct 10


Oct 17

Ex 18. Environmental health risk assessment (on canvas)

Oct 18

Ex 19. Food safety assessment with uncertainty analysis

Ex 20. Exposure assessment using a model for bioaccumulation